Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week 6 Reports

Finance team did nothing this week. there was nothing to do.

Eep! Sorry this is late, my only excuse is that I've was frantically writing an essay last night that I've been stressing over for the past week.

Okay, so a report on this week:

Alex Muscat and also Will and Pat from the tech team went to have a look at the exhibition area and we got all the details we needed, I didn't get the oppertunity to tell the other Alex or Bec about it as it was arranged last minute and I knew Muscat was in his class so I could get him to come easy.

We talked a bit about how we are going to set everything up and Garry is going to send us a blueprint/ 3D model to make it easier to figure everything out.

That's all for now!

emailed print team twice.
emailed about the budget.
weekly report.
not much this week.
hope thats alright Ben,

Did a little more work on the framework, not a lot though.

Mark and Anthony are still brainstorming, but we've got a pretty solid
idea of how we're going to lay the exhibition site out. Just need to
find out how we're going to make it look in accordance with print.

Finished a rough Storyboard.

We will assemble video's based on Team Name Alphabetically, and order of Game eg: Team A; Semester 1 game, Semester 2 game; Team B, ect...

However until I get a hold of a list of Teams and their games I won't be able to plan for time.
I'll be Harassing Will Owen for a copy his DC_Groups_info, so I can plan appropriately.

Ok, so this week me and Pat went with Rod and Alex from the curation team to check out the exhibit space and talk to Garry.
I put together a list of everything that we can have access to as well as some notes for the equipment and couple of general things Garry mentioned.

I've also sent out an email to everybody with Rod and Scott that should give us all of the information we need to get started. Although nobody so far as sent one back. If they don't in a couple of days I'll try again.

As far of the rest of the team apart from Pat who came to the VR lab with me, they haven't done anything. But to be fair there's not really anything for them TO do. So far all of the tech work is basically just organisational stuff which is really a one-person job.


Paul : Still working on contacting the games business industries.No word yet. And Dan Murphys

Nina: Still chatting to her boss at EB and Nintendo about stuff, no word yet from the businesses

Lachy: Assuming he is trying to contact those game magazines,will check up on him today.

Peter and Chris : Working on a proposal and invites for specific people in faculty and the industry.

Esther: Trying to get in touch with Torus games to get someone to talk at the exhibition(engaged sometimes)
Contacted coke, still waiting on a reply.

Will be getting updates from everyone next week to see how they are coming along

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 5 Reports

This week the Finances team met up with Helen to discuss protocol. We have $800 to spend.
Also everyone who needs money, needs to acquire a quote and photocopy it just in case, or give it to me to photocopy. Money can't be issued unless there's a quote.

Not much really to report this week,

Will and I went to check out the exhibition place but Garry didn't turn up, that or we got there too late.

On another note, I gave all of my group notice that we were going to check it out, but none came. Lucas was fair enough as he hasn't found out if he's doing the ACME thing, Bec and Alex said they woud hang around till after our meeting and come along, but they didn't turn up.

It's only early days though, so hopefully things improve with everyone!

Oh, and I didn't get any time to do anything with the student e-mails yet and will do so this weekend.

I emailed the team on monday night and got them to do mockups for the style of our print ads. i also sent a text message to the whole team informing them there would be an email waiting for them in there school inbox.
I told them to post their art work on the digital curation blachboard discussion board by friday 20th. I sent them all a reminder email on wednesday night.
Only three of them did anything. Javier, Sam and Samantha. The work that was done can be seen in the sponsoship and advertising thread.
Pretty poor effort by the rest. they definitely knew that there was work required this week.
I'll try meet with jen on monday and talk to her about it.
I'll also bring the mockups on monday for our meeting so the group can all look at them and help decide which style we should go with. Javier's was the best though cause he put in the most effort.
Hope thats a suitable report.

Anthony started some conceptual layout development, and I started work
on the group/student framework, not much else to do at this stage
until a style is decided by the print team.

Pretty much I've been talking to Rod trying to organise another time to get to the VR lab. When we went on Monday there was nobody around and we couldn't get in or get anyone on the phone.

This week we'll be sending out emails to everyone about their tech requirements and getting another time to get into the VR lab.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tech List and Other Notes;

We went down to the VR Centre this morning to speak with Garry and get an idea about what was available to us and what we could do. I've put together a rough list of what we can use as well as some notes for some of the equipment.
He also mentioned some other more general things about the exhibit so I've included them as well.

I'll email this to everyone but I'm posting it here as well so it's easy to reference.


Equipment List:

VR Centre:

• 8x   HD LCD Panels, 1080p, 16:9 Aspect

• 4x   Average PCs, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics
• 4x   High-End PCs, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics

• 3x   Projectors (Project onto the walls, no screens.)

• 1x   Large Projector Screen,
1920x814 Resolution, 2.35:1 Aspect

• 1x   Curved Projector Screen,
3840x1024 Resolution, 60Hz, 15:4 Aspect
3D: 3072x768 Resolution, 85Hz, 4:1 Aspect

Games Lab:

• 14x   Headphones

• 27x   High-End PCs, Windows XP, Nvidia Graphics

• 27x   LCD Screens, 1600x1200 Resolution, 4:3 Aspect
  (Currently running 1280x1024 Resolution)


Equipment Notes:

Large Projector Screen:
The screen runs at 1920x817px resolution so any games or videos will have to be modified to fit the screen correctly. The colour on the screen can display quite different to LCD screens so it will need to be tested beforehand.

Curved Projector Screen:
The curved screen runs with 3 CRT projectors at 3840x1024px resolution. Any games will have to have custom resolution set to display correctly, and UDK or Unreal shooter FPS games will have to have the FOV tweaked as well as possibly the HUD. Colour also looks quite different on this screen, especially in darker areas so testing will probably be needed.

3D Vision:
The curved screen is also capable of 3D display at 3072x768px resolution. Some games built in UDK or Unreal may be able to use Nvidia’s stereoscopic 3D on this screen without too much tweaking. If anyone is interested I can ask Garry for more information.

There is a range of PCs available to us and very few have the same specs.
Right now there is roughly 4 mid-range and another 4
All of the VR Centre PCs are currently using Windows 7. Most of them are running 32bit with a couple running 64bit, but Garry is hoping to have more of them running 64bit by the time of the exhibit.

We can also take PCs from the games lab, which might make it easier for testing installations because we won’t need to get to the lab every time to test them. If we do want to use any though we need to organize this with CSIT through Fabio or Geoff in advance.

The main area is set up with 5 channel audio, so we can probably use that for music. If we are setting up microphones for any talks we should be able to run them through the same speakers.

The VR room with the big screens has it’s own sound system big enough to shake the room. If we want to have it turned up loud Garry recommends paying extra attention to the low frequency sounds because bad audio will sound really awful on the subwoofer.

For the computer there are no speakers but we should have enough headphones for the individual computers on the LCD screens.

The projectors are available for us to use, but Garry says they don’t work so great when there are a lot of bright LCD screens on in the room. Also with them hanging at around ceiling height people may catch the light in their eyes and will probably walk in the way of the projector.
If we want to use them we’ll have to find a way to keep a wall in darkness as much as possible.


General Notes:

The interior glass doors to the lab will be locked open during the exhibition to help manage heat, with the exterior doors to the street left closed. Garry recommended having a welcome desk or something in the foyer area because people will spill out into that area.

In terms of exhibition space we have access to the main room and the VR room with the big screens.

Bar / Drinks:
The main room has a bar in the corner that we can use for serving drinks. There is also a storage closet behind the bar that is available to us. I don’t know if there is a fridge or not in there so we may have to end up stealing the bar fridge from the games lounge or getting a cooler.

Drinking will have to be kept inside because we’ve been asked that people not be allowed on the street outside with their drinks because it looks bad.
Also I really doubt this will be a problem because we’re not planning to, but selling drinks isn’t allowed on account of it being illegal.

Garry said it can get uncomfortably warm in the exhibit space with so many people and machines pumping out heat. Maybe we can try and find some way to try and manage the heat a bit?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Exhibition Name is ...

"Insert Credit"

Schedules by Team Leaders

We've worked up a provisional schedule for what's going to happen
when. It's only provisonal because some things are faster than others
(especially once we've got a style worked out with the print
department and a name).

So far our provisional schedule is as follows:

Week 5:
- Work with print team to finalise a design style, hopefully have a
name for exhibition by this point too.
- Start working on a template for groups/students to use
- Get information on everyone's projects (more about this in a minute)

Week 6:
- Have design style finalised, get cracking on layout
- Begin working on the content with exhibition director/team

Week 7:
- Get the basics of the site online (the hosting is fine for now but
the domain may need to come from the exhibition pool, only about 12-13
depending on AUD-USD rate)
- Implement all content worked up thus far:
* Homepage
* Groups
* Projects
* Other pages as required, will make it easy to add more.

Week 8:
- Manage site in initial stages, fix any bugs, add any extra content
as required. Continue to do this until semesters out.
- Help any groups/students that need help with setting up their own
website using the framework created in week 5.
- Help print team if required.


We've tried to make sure we can get this done ASAP as the site is
going to be extremely important.

Key things that could arise that may incur costs:
Domain (as listed above): Costs around 12-13 dollars depending on the
US dollar on the day.
Hosting: If my own hosting server proves to be insufficient we'll need
to organise another one, costs vary, starting from around 6 dollars.
Ending? How long is a piece of string really, I know a few people in
the hosting scene so I may be able to work something in (sponsorship
stlye yo!)

Other Important things:
We'll need to get some information off each and every group to put on
the site, perhaps a mass email would make this process faster than
going around to each group in person, we've compiled a list:
- Name of Group
- Members of Group (full names preferred), Student numbers and contact emails
- Name of game/mod/project
- link to groups blog or website
- 0-50 word description of project

I think that's all for now, as I mentioned its provisional so some
things might move around slightly.

This week, the Finances department drew up some forms for Money Requests and Approvals, and made some Excel spreadsheets to fill in every team's estimated budgets. However, it can't be filled out until I receive some sort of indication of what people need and when...
We'll be meeting with Helen next week as well to discuss protocol regarding access to the RMIT funding.
Expect our week-to-week schedule by next Friday, hopefully we'll have everyone else's schedule by then too :)

I tried to organise with Will what time would be good to check out the space for the exhibition, we've had no reply from Garry yet so we may need to call him if we get nothing soon.

Until we get a good look at the place, we can't really start too much.

I also e-mailed my team members giving them the lowdown, Alex replied, Bec and Lucas didn't (Although Lucas is in NY, I talked to him a little over MSN about it too.)

Until I can get some time to talk to the guys as a team, I won't set roles, But the main goal for next week is to check out the space and find out what groups want to show, what they'll need to show it, and if we've got the resources to cover them. Also maybe get some initial layout down.

Hopefully that's up to standards!

• 16th August - Find out what we have, get a rough idea of what each team needs.
Make some aesthetic design choices (eg. Small posters for each game/Team name – Logos and whatnot)
• 30th August - Layout planning with tech.
• 13 September – Layout for and posters/decal/food area (decide where everything other than the games are going)
• 27th September – Acquire any logos from groups if we decide to display that kind of thing.
• 8th November – Do the testing with tech, make sure everything is accessible and the flow of crowds will work well.
• 18th November - Move in, set up. Move out.

Hey all,

Tasks for this weekend/week.
Generate potential names for our end of year exhibition.
Think of themes for our advertising to match these potential names.

Some example names discussed on friday to get you started:

Next generation
Next Dimension
Games Exhibeertion
I don't like Games
Mario Party

They're pretty weak so far. so think of something good okay :-)

For those of you who have not replied to my emails yet.
Katherine, Winston and Ewen you need to get in contact with me asap, you are gettng marked on your input.

I'll be attempting to meet with everyone again on monday at some point.


• 16th August - Find out what we have, get a rough idea of what each team needs.
• 30th August - Layout planning with curators.
• 13 September - Group required specs for PC's. List of equipment / wishlist.
• 27th September - Source equipment. Mostly final list of equipment. Rough floorplan for wires, etc.
• 8th November - Installing. Testing things for final set up.
• 18th November - Move in, set up. Get everything working. Move out.

Collaborate with Art Team. Meet with Sam/Kate.
Work with Art Director to work out what needs to be done.
Collaborate with web for on how to upload photos
Group Photos if requested
Organise gear hire if neccesary. Or just borrow from people.
Shoot exhibiton
Shoot lots or people.
Then edit alot of photos. Then publish them. Biggest amount of time here.

23/08/10 - Week:
I will assemble my team of Minion's and we shall begin Brainstorming and Story Boarding a rough idea of what the Exhibition Reel will look like.
I shall also require a list of all the Groups and their Games (both 1st and 2nd semester if they're doing 2) so we can figure out how long the Reel will go for and it's structure.

I'll also be hounding those who are doing 2 games for footage from last semesters game, as chances are it's already complete.