Monday, August 16, 2010

Schedules by Team Leaders

We've worked up a provisional schedule for what's going to happen
when. It's only provisonal because some things are faster than others
(especially once we've got a style worked out with the print
department and a name).

So far our provisional schedule is as follows:

Week 5:
- Work with print team to finalise a design style, hopefully have a
name for exhibition by this point too.
- Start working on a template for groups/students to use
- Get information on everyone's projects (more about this in a minute)

Week 6:
- Have design style finalised, get cracking on layout
- Begin working on the content with exhibition director/team

Week 7:
- Get the basics of the site online (the hosting is fine for now but
the domain may need to come from the exhibition pool, only about 12-13
depending on AUD-USD rate)
- Implement all content worked up thus far:
* Homepage
* Groups
* Projects
* Other pages as required, will make it easy to add more.

Week 8:
- Manage site in initial stages, fix any bugs, add any extra content
as required. Continue to do this until semesters out.
- Help any groups/students that need help with setting up their own
website using the framework created in week 5.
- Help print team if required.


We've tried to make sure we can get this done ASAP as the site is
going to be extremely important.

Key things that could arise that may incur costs:
Domain (as listed above): Costs around 12-13 dollars depending on the
US dollar on the day.
Hosting: If my own hosting server proves to be insufficient we'll need
to organise another one, costs vary, starting from around 6 dollars.
Ending? How long is a piece of string really, I know a few people in
the hosting scene so I may be able to work something in (sponsorship
stlye yo!)

Other Important things:
We'll need to get some information off each and every group to put on
the site, perhaps a mass email would make this process faster than
going around to each group in person, we've compiled a list:
- Name of Group
- Members of Group (full names preferred), Student numbers and contact emails
- Name of game/mod/project
- link to groups blog or website
- 0-50 word description of project

I think that's all for now, as I mentioned its provisional so some
things might move around slightly.

This week, the Finances department drew up some forms for Money Requests and Approvals, and made some Excel spreadsheets to fill in every team's estimated budgets. However, it can't be filled out until I receive some sort of indication of what people need and when...
We'll be meeting with Helen next week as well to discuss protocol regarding access to the RMIT funding.
Expect our week-to-week schedule by next Friday, hopefully we'll have everyone else's schedule by then too :)

I tried to organise with Will what time would be good to check out the space for the exhibition, we've had no reply from Garry yet so we may need to call him if we get nothing soon.

Until we get a good look at the place, we can't really start too much.

I also e-mailed my team members giving them the lowdown, Alex replied, Bec and Lucas didn't (Although Lucas is in NY, I talked to him a little over MSN about it too.)

Until I can get some time to talk to the guys as a team, I won't set roles, But the main goal for next week is to check out the space and find out what groups want to show, what they'll need to show it, and if we've got the resources to cover them. Also maybe get some initial layout down.

Hopefully that's up to standards!

• 16th August - Find out what we have, get a rough idea of what each team needs.
Make some aesthetic design choices (eg. Small posters for each game/Team name – Logos and whatnot)
• 30th August - Layout planning with tech.
• 13 September – Layout for and posters/decal/food area (decide where everything other than the games are going)
• 27th September – Acquire any logos from groups if we decide to display that kind of thing.
• 8th November – Do the testing with tech, make sure everything is accessible and the flow of crowds will work well.
• 18th November - Move in, set up. Move out.

Hey all,

Tasks for this weekend/week.
Generate potential names for our end of year exhibition.
Think of themes for our advertising to match these potential names.

Some example names discussed on friday to get you started:

Next generation
Next Dimension
Games Exhibeertion
I don't like Games
Mario Party

They're pretty weak so far. so think of something good okay :-)

For those of you who have not replied to my emails yet.
Katherine, Winston and Ewen you need to get in contact with me asap, you are gettng marked on your input.

I'll be attempting to meet with everyone again on monday at some point.


• 16th August - Find out what we have, get a rough idea of what each team needs.
• 30th August - Layout planning with curators.
• 13 September - Group required specs for PC's. List of equipment / wishlist.
• 27th September - Source equipment. Mostly final list of equipment. Rough floorplan for wires, etc.
• 8th November - Installing. Testing things for final set up.
• 18th November - Move in, set up. Get everything working. Move out.

Collaborate with Art Team. Meet with Sam/Kate.
Work with Art Director to work out what needs to be done.
Collaborate with web for on how to upload photos
Group Photos if requested
Organise gear hire if neccesary. Or just borrow from people.
Shoot exhibiton
Shoot lots or people.
Then edit alot of photos. Then publish them. Biggest amount of time here.

23/08/10 - Week:
I will assemble my team of Minion's and we shall begin Brainstorming and Story Boarding a rough idea of what the Exhibition Reel will look like.
I shall also require a list of all the Groups and their Games (both 1st and 2nd semester if they're doing 2) so we can figure out how long the Reel will go for and it's structure.

I'll also be hounding those who are doing 2 games for footage from last semesters game, as chances are it's already complete.



    For sponsorship, we have come up with a list that we think would be needed for the exhibition.

    2.Items for show bags
    4.Printing Discounts
    5.Prizes for a raffle

    During the next couple of weeks our schedule will consist on the team persistently calling/emailing companies to get these deals. We will continue to do this till the end of October.

    Companies we are looking at so far:

    -Officeworks and other printing places
    -Game magazines eg.(The game informer)
    -Game companies eg.(Bluetongue,Torus)
    -Fosters and Dan Murphys
    -EB games

    Any other suggestions on what we need or companies that would help will be much appreciated.


  2. Good work! Can I be of help here?
