Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 5 Reports

This week the Finances team met up with Helen to discuss protocol. We have $800 to spend.
Also everyone who needs money, needs to acquire a quote and photocopy it just in case, or give it to me to photocopy. Money can't be issued unless there's a quote.

Not much really to report this week,

Will and I went to check out the exhibition place but Garry didn't turn up, that or we got there too late.

On another note, I gave all of my group notice that we were going to check it out, but none came. Lucas was fair enough as he hasn't found out if he's doing the ACME thing, Bec and Alex said they woud hang around till after our meeting and come along, but they didn't turn up.

It's only early days though, so hopefully things improve with everyone!

Oh, and I didn't get any time to do anything with the student e-mails yet and will do so this weekend.

I emailed the team on monday night and got them to do mockups for the style of our print ads. i also sent a text message to the whole team informing them there would be an email waiting for them in there school inbox.
I told them to post their art work on the digital curation blachboard discussion board by friday 20th. I sent them all a reminder email on wednesday night.
Only three of them did anything. Javier, Sam and Samantha. The work that was done can be seen in the sponsoship and advertising thread.
Pretty poor effort by the rest. they definitely knew that there was work required this week.
I'll try meet with jen on monday and talk to her about it.
I'll also bring the mockups on monday for our meeting so the group can all look at them and help decide which style we should go with. Javier's was the best though cause he put in the most effort.
Hope thats a suitable report.

Anthony started some conceptual layout development, and I started work
on the group/student framework, not much else to do at this stage
until a style is decided by the print team.

Pretty much I've been talking to Rod trying to organise another time to get to the VR lab. When we went on Monday there was nobody around and we couldn't get in or get anyone on the phone.

This week we'll be sending out emails to everyone about their tech requirements and getting another time to get into the VR lab.

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