Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 9

Once again, nothing to say here.
We'll just sit around for a bit.

Bec sent an e-mail asking if we are doing anything yet, so I replied to the whole group saying we're waiting on the blueprints.

Sat around waiting for emails to roll in. Going to compile them tomorrow's meeting so I can print copies for whoever wants them.
This next week will be making a list of things we need / can use.
It's looking like a couple of groups want an iphone or ipad for their games. Whether or not we can get a hold of any I don't know. I'm going to look into PC emulation otherwise in case they don't already have a way to do it themselves.

Web Design Weekly Update:
Now that we've finally got something decided to work off, we've
started making progress.

Mark is working on a Flash intro, and Anthony and I are working on the
design for the site itself.

Framework needs updating/modifications to cater slightly more towards
people who don't really know how to code HTML, while still giving the
freedom for those that do know HTML the ability to "tack-on" extra
stuff in the event the base framework isn't enough for them. Might get
Ewen to look into this as I'd kinda forgotten he's on my team and
needs something to do.

Cinematography accomplished Nothing =(

set the task of beginning creating posters surrounding winstons mock ups. Due monday, so far recieved sams.
thats all.

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